Dim point1() As Double = New Double() {0, 0} 'x,y
Dim point2() As Double = New Double() {0, 3}
Dim pointToCheck() As Double = New Double() {0.05, 2}
Dim similarityRatio As Double = 0.9
Dim minValSimilarDistance As Double = 0.001
Dim similarityDistance As Double = 0.5
Dim eq1 As Double = (point2(0) - point1(0)) * (pointToCheck(1) - point1(1))
Dim eq2 As Double = (point2(1) - point1(1)) * (pointToCheck(0) - point1(0))
Dim maxVal As Double = eq1
If (eq2 > eq1) Then maxVal = eq2
Dim inLine = False
Dim isInBetween As Boolean = False
If (eq1 = eq2 OrElse (maxVal > 0 AndAlso Math.Abs(eq1 - eq2) / maxVal <= (1 - similarityRatio))) Then
inLine = True
ElseIf (eq1 <= minValSimilarDistance AndAlso eq2 <= similarityDistance) Then
inLine = True
ElseIf (eq2 <= minValSimilarDistance AndAlso eq1 <= similarityDistance) Then
inLine = True
End If
If (inLine) Then
'pointToCheck part of the line formed by point1 and point2, but not necessarily between them
Dim insideX As Boolean = False
If (pointToCheck(0) >= point1(0) AndAlso pointToCheck(0) <= point2(0)) Then
insideX = True
Else If (pointToCheck(0) >= point2(0) AndAlso pointToCheck(0) <= point1(0)) Then
insideX = True
End If
if(insideX) Then
If (pointToCheck(1) >= point1(1) AndAlso pointToCheck(1) <= point2(1)) Then
isInBetween = True
ElseIf (pointToCheck(1) >= point2(1) AndAlso pointToCheck(1) <= point1(1)) Then
isInBetween = True
End If
End If
End If
If (isInBetween) Then
'pointToCheck is between point1 and point2
End If
说明“方程”或多或少相似(即,X 和 Y 值不完全符合直线但足够接近)。similarityRatio
无法正确处理涉及零的情况(例如,相同的 X 或 Y),这就是minValSimilarDistance
。您可以调整这些值或只是重新定义比率(关于点之间的 X/Y 变化,而不是关于“方程”)。