正如@harold 已经说过的,邻接矩阵是带有节点的图n
class Program
static void AddToAdjacencyMatrix(Int32[,] adjacency, Int32[,] original,
Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, int> coordinate2NodeNum,
Tuple<int, int> fromCoord, int deltaX, int deltaY)
Tuple<int, int> toCoord = new Tuple<int, int>(
fromCoord.Item1 + deltaX, fromCoord.Item2 + deltaY);
try { // quick and dirty way of catching out of range coordinates
if (original[toCoord.Item1,toCoord.Item2] == 0) {
int fromNodeNum = coordinate2NodeNum[fromCoord];
int toNodeNum = coordinate2NodeNum[toCoord];
adjacency[fromNodeNum, toNodeNum] = 1;
adjacency[toNodeNum, fromNodeNum] = 1;
catch {
static void Main(string[] args)
Int32[,] original = new int[4, 4]
{0, -1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, -1, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, -1, -1}
// Adjacency matrix has column and row headings for each node in graph
// Therefore we need to map between the node number in the adjacency matrix
// (i.e. the column or row heading) and the physical grid coordinates
Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>> nodeNum2Coordinate = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>>();
Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, int> coordinate2NodeNum = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, int>();
int nodeCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < original.GetLength(0); i++){
for (int j = 0; j < original.GetLength(1); j++) {
if (original[i, j] == 0) {
Tuple<int, int> coord = new Tuple<int, int>(i,j);
nodeNum2Coordinate.Add(nodeCount, coord);
coordinate2NodeNum.Add(coord, nodeCount);
// Now create the adacency matrix
Int32[,] adjacency = new int[nodeCount, nodeCount];
for (int i = 0; i < original.GetLength(0); i++){
for (int j = 0; j < original.GetLength(1); j++) {
if (original[i, j] == 0) {
Tuple<int, int> fromCoord = new Tuple<int, int>(i,j);
// Check connections
AddToAdjacencyMatrix(adjacency, original, coordinate2NodeNum, fromCoord,
-1, 0); // UP
AddToAdjacencyMatrix(adjacency, original, coordinate2NodeNum, fromCoord,
+1, 0); // DOWN
AddToAdjacencyMatrix(adjacency, original, coordinate2NodeNum, fromCoord,
0, -1); // LEFT
AddToAdjacencyMatrix(adjacency, original, coordinate2NodeNum, fromCoord,
0, +1); // UP