I want to generate stats for twitter by location, e.g. number of tweets per city by date. If I use the searchTwitter() function in the twitteR package I can add a geocode location and a since time paramater but I must also specify a search string. Is there any way I can just search for tweets by geocode location and date with no search string? What I am currently using is something like this
location <- paste0(lat,",", lon,",", radius)
searchterm <- "twitter"
date <- Sys.Date()
searchTwitter(searchterm, n=1500, geocode=location, since=as.character(date))
But I want to search for all tweets from my specified location not just ones containing the string "twitter". Is this possible? I want to see growth in twitter around smaller towns/cities around the country so each individual location specific search I would not expect to return a lot of results.