我的 Backbon.js 视图中的辅助函数存在问题。当它运行时,它会因“addCalc”函数的第一行出现以下错误消息而死:
TypeError:this.getCalcValue 不是函数
CalcView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#calcView"),
initialize: function () {
addCalc: function (model) {
var cost = this.getCalcValue(model.get('currentCost'));
var custom = this.getCalcValue(model.get('customProgram'));
var variables = { id: model.get('id'),
category: model.get('category'),
shortDesc: model.get('shortDescription'),
description: model.get('description'),
currentCost: cost,
customProgram: custom,
var template = _.template($('#calc_template').html(), variables);
resetCalc: function(models) {
$("#calc_payload tr").remove();
removeCalc: function(model){
$("#calc_payload #" + model.get('id')).remove();
updateCalcs: function(model) {
var cost = model.get('currentCost');
var custom = model.get('customProgram');
$("#" + model.get("id") + " .currentCost").text(this.getCalcValue(cost));
$("#" + model.get("id") + " .customProgram").text(this.getCalcValue(custom));
/*var currentCostSum = 0;
var customProgramSum = 0;
$("#calc_payload .currentCost").each(function() {
var temp = Number(($(this).text()).replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, ""));
if (!isNaN(temp))
currentCostSum += temp;
$("#calc_payload .customProgram").each(function() {
var temp = Number(($(this).text()).replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, ""));
if (!isNaN(temp))
customProgramSum += temp;
$("#calc_footer .currentCost").text("$" + ((currentCostSum == 0) ? " -- " : CurrencyFormatted(currentCostSum.toFixed(2))));
$("#calc_footer .customProgram").text("$" + ((customProgramSum == 0) ? " -- " : CurrencyFormatted(customProgramSum.toFixed(2))));*/
getCalcValue: function(value) {
if (typeof value == 'string' || value instanceof String)
return value.toString();
else if (isNaN(value))
return "$ -- ";
return "$" + value.toFixed(2);
执行“addCalc”函数的代码由主干集合驱动。基本上,当集合被添加到时,调用 CalcView.addCalc
Calculations = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Calculation,
//This is our Friends collection and holds our Friend models
initialize: function (models, options) {
this.on("add", options.onAdd);
this.on("remove", options.onRemove);
this.on("reset", options.onReset);
//Listen for new additions to the collection and call a view function if so
//This is where addCalc is used.
var calcview = new CalcView();
var calc_collection = new Calculations( null, {
onAdd: calcview.addCalc,
onRemove: calcview.removeCalc,
onReset: calcview.resetCalc