In both cakephp-1.2 and cakephp-1.3 I have used the following code snippet in an element named head
called from the blog
$this->preMetaValues = array(
'title' => __('SiteTitle', true).' '.$title_for_layout,
'desc' => Configure::read('siteTitle').', '.Configure::read('siteSlogan'),
'keywords' => Configure::read('keywords'),
'type' => 'article',
'site_name' => __('SiteTitle', true),
'imageURL' => $html->url('/img/logo.png', true)
$this->metaValues = $this->preMetaValues;
$this->metaValues = array_merge($this->preMetaValues, $this->metaValues);
<?php echo $html->meta('description',$this->metaValues['desc']); ?>
<?php echo $html->meta('keywords', $this->metaValues['keywords']);?>
I used the above code to define or modify meta-tags values from the any view file. The preMetaValues
is regarded as the default values. If there is any metaValues
defined in the view, this code will modify it and make the metaValues
ready to be used.
Now with cakephp-2.4, the described code generates the following error:
Helper class metaValuesHelper could not be found.
Error: An Internal Error Has Occurred.
Indeed, I don't know why CakePHP regards this variable as helper? and how could I fix this issue?