警告:SoapClient::__doRequest(): Unable to find the wrapper "https" - 你在配置 PHP 时是否忘记启用它
$config = parse_ini_file('ebay.ini', true);
$site = $config['settings']['site'];
$compatibilityLevel = $config['settings']['compatibilityLevel'];
$dev = $config[$site]['devId'];
$app = $config[$site]['appId'];
$cert = $config[$site]['cert'];
$token = $config[$site]['authToken'];
$location = $config[$site]['gatewaySOAP'];
// Create and configure session
$session = new eBaySession($dev, $app, $cert);
$session->token = $token;
$session->site = 203; // 0 = US;
$session->location = $location;
// Make an AddItem API call and print Listing Fee and ItemID
try {
$client = new eBaySOAP($session);
$PrimaryCategory = array('CategoryID' => 357);
$Item = array('ListingType' => 'Chinese',
'Currency' => 'INR',
'Country' => 'US',
'PaymentMethods' => 'PaymentSeeDescription',
'RegionID' => 0,
'ListingDuration' => 'Days_3',
'Title' => 'The new item',
'Description' => "It's a great new item",
'Location' => "San Jose, CA",
'Quantity' => 1,
'StartPrice' => 24.99,
'PrimaryCategory' => $PrimaryCategory,
$params = array('Version' => $compatibilityLevel, 'Item' => $Item);
$results = $client->AddItem($params);
// The $results->Fees['ListingFee'] syntax is a result of SOAP classmapping
print "Listing fee is: " . $results->Fees['ListingFee'] . " <br> \n";
print "Listed Item ID: " . $results->ItemID . " <br> \n";
print "Item was listed for the user associated with the auth token code herer>\n";`enter code here`
} catch (SOAPFault $f) {
print $f; // error handling