If I want to read multiple lines with same elements into one array or hash until reaching the next line with a different element. These elements have already been sorted so they are in the lines next to each other. For example:

1_1111  1234
1_1111  2234 
1_1111  3234
1_1112  4234
1_1112  5234
1_1112  6234
1_1112  7234
1_1113  8234
1_1113  9234

I want to read the first three lines with same element 1_1111 into one array, process it, then read the next few lines with the same element 1_1112


2 回答 2

my $key;
my @nums;
while (<>) {
   my @fields = split;
   if (@nums && $fields[0] ne $key) {
      process($key, @nums);
      @nums = ();

   $key = $fields[0];
   push @nums, $fields[1];

process($key, @nums) if @nums;
于 2013-09-18T04:28:38.683 回答



use strict;
use warnings;

my %hash;
while (<DATA>) {
    my ($key, $value) = split /\s+/;
    push @{ $hash{$key} }, $value;

1_1111  1234
1_1111  2234
1_1111  3234
1_1112  4234
1_1112  5234
1_1112  6234
1_1112  7234
1_1113  8234
1_1113  9234


于 2013-09-18T04:33:46.970 回答