create table EMP
(ID char(9) not null primary key,
NAME varchar(20) not null,
AGE integer not null,
SALARY number not null,
constraint min_salary check (salary>30000));
create table DEPARTMENT
(DNUMBER integer not null primary key,
DNAME varchar(15) not null unique,
BUDGET float not null,
MANAGER char(9) not null references EMP);
create table WORKS
(EMP char(9) not null references EMP,
DEPT integer not null references DEPARTMENT,
PCT_TIME integer,
constraint check_pct check (PCT_TIME between 0 and 100), constraint WORKS_PK PRIMARY KEY (EMP,DEPT));
select name,age
from emp,department,works
where id=emp and dname='Software' and dept=dnumber
它从 3 个表中选择但没有连接关键字?