正如问题所述,OmniFaces 是否与 JSF 2.2 兼容?它是否也仅依赖于 JSF 或其他 Java EE 依赖项?即它是否能够仅使用 Tomcat + JSF 运行?


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OmniFaces 1.6 showcase application has been tested on GlassFish 4 with Mojarra 2.2.2 and Tomcat 7.0.42 with Mojarra 2.2.3. There were no problems when using OmniFaces 1.6 with Mojarra 2.2.x. Only Glassfish 4 has a problem with using the #{now} and #{startup} beans from OmniFaces, but this is not OmniFaces' fault. For any known issues you can keep track of known issues wiki.

OmniFaces 1.x has no other required dependencies than Servlet, EL and JSF, with the minimum versions 2.5, 2.1 and 2.0 respectively. Tomcat already provides Servlet and EL out the box. You only need to supply JSF yourself (which in turn has a dependency on JSTL 1.2 which is also absent on Tomcat).

于 2013-09-19T12:47:01.060 回答