我正在使用 live555 和 ffmpeg 库从服务器获取和解码 RTP H264 流;视频流由 ffmpeg 编码,使用 Baseline profile 和

x264_param_default_preset(m_params, "veryfast", "zerolatency")

我阅读了这个主题,并在我从网络接收到的每一帧中添加了 SPS 和 PPS 数据;

void ClientSink::NewFrameHandler(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
    timeval presentationTime, unsigned durationInMicroseconds)
EncodedFrame tmp;
    tmp.m_frame = std::vector<unsigned char>(m_tempBuffer.data(), m_tempBuffer.data() + frameSize);
    tmp.m_duration = durationInMicroseconds;
    tmp.m_pts = presentationTime;

    //Add SPS and PPS data into the frame; TODO: some devices may send SPS and PPs data already into frame;
    tmp.m_frame.insert(tmp.m_frame.begin(), m_spsPpsData.cbegin(), m_spsPpsData.cend());

    emit newEncodedFrame( SharedEncodedFrame(tmp) );



bool H264Decoder::decodeFrame(SharedEncodedFrame orig_frame)
while(m_packet.size > 0)
        int got_picture;
        int len = avcodec_decode_video2(m_decoderContext, m_picture, &got_picture, &m_packet);
        if (len < 0)
            emit criticalError(QString("Decoding error"));
            return false;
        if (got_picture)
            std::vector<unsigned char> result;

            if ( m_picture->format == AVPixelFormat::AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P )
                //QImage img = QImage(result.data(), m_picture->width, m_picture->height, QImage::Format_RGB888);
                Frame_t result_rgb;
                if (!convert_yuv420p_to_rgb32(result, m_picture->width, m_picture->height, result_rgb))
                    emit criticalError( QString("Failed to convert YUV420p image into rgb32; can't create QImage!"));
                    return false;
                unsigned char* copy_img = new unsigned char[result_rgb.size()];
//this needed because QImage shared buffer, which used, and it will crash, if i use this qimage after result_rgb deleting
                std::copy(result_rgb.cbegin(), result_rgb.cend(), copy_img);
                QImage img = QImage(copy_img, m_picture->width, m_picture->height, QImage::Format_RGB32,
                [](void* array)
                    delete[] array;
                }, copy_img);
                emit newDecodedFrame(img);

avcodec_decode_video2 解码帧没有任何错误消息,但解码后的帧,在转换后(从 yuv420p 到 rgb32)是无效的。此链接上提供的图像示例



2 回答 2


我怀疑错误出在 convert_yuv420p_to_rgb32() 代码中。试试这个:

static SwsContext *m_swsCtx = NULL;
QImage frame =  QImage ( m_picture->width, m_picture->height,
                         QImage::Format_RGB32 );
m_swsCtx = sws_getCachedContext ( m_swsCtx, m_picture->width,
                                  m_picture->height, PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
                                  m_picture->width, m_picture->height,
                                  AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32, SWS_BICUBIC,
                                  NULL, NULL, NULL );
uint8_t *dstSlice[] = { frame.bits() };
int dstStride = frame.width() * 4;
sws_scale ( m_swsCtx, &m_picture.data, &m_picture.linesize,
            0, m_picture->height, dstSlice, &dstStride );

如果您还没有这样做,您将需要包含/链接 swscale。

注意:您不需要每帧都需要 SPS/PPS(在关键帧上就足够了)。但这也不痛。

于 2013-09-17T19:36:24.173 回答

行。这是我的简单示例,它解码从 liveMedia 库接收的 H264 流。它可以解码帧,这些帧不仅在帧的边界处被截断。

   class H264Decoder : public AbstractDecoder
        H264Decoder( QObject* parent = nullptr );
        virtual ~H264Decoder();

    public slots:

        virtual bool decodeFrame(SharedEncodedFrame orig_frame) override;

        //sended when we have new decoded frame
        void newDecodedFrame( QImage img );

        void storePicture(std::vector<unsigned char>& res);

        AVCodec* m_decoder;
        AVCodecContext* m_decoderContext;
        int m_got_picture;
        AVFrame* m_picture;
        AVPacket m_packet;


#include "H264Decoder.hpp"
#include "ImgConverting.hpp"
#include <QPixmap>
extern "C"
#include <libswscale/swscale.h>

using namespace std;

H264Decoder::H264Decoder( QObject *parent)
    : AbstractDecoder(parent), m_decoder(nullptr), m_decoderContext(nullptr),
      m_got_picture(0), m_picture(nullptr)
    m_decoder = avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_H264);
    if (!m_decoder)
        QString str = QString("Can't find H264 decoder!");
        emit criticalError(str);
    m_decoderContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(m_decoder);

    if (m_decoder->capabilities & CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED)
        m_decoderContext->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED;

    //we can receive truncated frames
    m_decoderContext->flags2 |= CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS;
    m_decoderContext->thread_count = 4;//TODO: random value. May be changing can make decoding faster

    AVDictionary* dictionary = nullptr;
    if (avcodec_open2(m_decoderContext, m_decoder, &dictionary) < 0)
        QString str = QString("Failed to open decoder!");
        emit criticalError(str);
    qDebug() << "H264 Decoder successfully opened";
    m_picture = avcodec_alloc_frame();

    qDebug() << "ACHTUNG!!! H264Decoder deleted!!!\r\n\r\n";
    if (m_decoderContext)
        delete m_decoderContext;

bool H264Decoder::decodeFrame(SharedEncodedFrame orig_frame)
    Frame_t enc_frame;
    orig_frame >> enc_frame;
    m_packet.size = enc_frame.size();
    m_packet.data = enc_frame.data();

    qDebug() << "H264Decoder: received encoded frame with framesize " << enc_frame.size();

    while(m_packet.size > 0)
        int got_picture;
        int len = avcodec_decode_video2(m_decoderContext, m_picture, &got_picture, &m_packet);
        if (len < 0)
            QString err("Decoding error");
            qDebug() << err;
            return false;
        if (got_picture)
            qDebug() << "H264Decoder: frame decoded!";
            std::vector<unsigned char> result;

            if ( m_picture->format == PIX_FMT_YUV420P )
                static SwsContext *m_swsCtx = NULL;
                QImage frame_img = QImage(m_picture->width, m_picture->height, QImage::Format_RGB888);
                m_swsCtx = sws_getCachedContext ( m_swsCtx, m_picture->width,
                    m_picture->height, PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
                    m_picture->width, m_picture->height,
                    PIX_FMT_RGB24, SWS_GAUSS,
                    NULL, NULL, NULL );
                uint8_t *dstSlice[] = { frame_img.bits() };
                int dstStride = frame_img.width() * 3;
                if (sws_scale ( m_swsCtx, m_picture->data, m_picture->linesize,
                    0, m_picture->height, dstSlice, &dstStride ) != m_picture->height )
                    qDebug() << "PIZDETS!!!";
                qDebug() << "New decoded image!";
                emit newDecodedFrame(frame_img);
            else if (m_picture->format == PIX_FMT_RGB32)
                QImage img = QImage(result.data(), m_picture->width, m_picture->height, QImage::Format_RGB32);
                qDebug() << "New decoded image!";
                emit newDecodedFrame(img);
            else if (m_picture->format == PIX_FMT_RGB24)
                QImage img = QImage(result.data(), m_picture->width, m_picture->height, QImage::Format_RGB888);
                qDebug() << "New decoded image!";
                emit newDecodedFrame(img);
                QString err = QString( "Unsupported pixel format! Can't create QImage!");
                qDebug() << err;
                emit criticalError( err );
                return false;
        m_packet.size -= len;
        m_packet.data += len;

    return true;

void H264Decoder::storePicture(std::vector<unsigned char>& res)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS; i++)
        std::copy(m_picture->data[i], m_picture->data[i] + 
            m_picture->linesize[i]*m_picture->height, std::back_inserter(res));

我将 newDecodedFrame 发送到 GUI 线程,该 QImage 将在某个小部件上绘制。


于 2013-10-09T17:04:42.197 回答