I'm about to include cake in my path on my Centos production server and start using cake commands from the command line to manage my ACL framework. I looked around for notes on the potential hazards of having cake bake and also cake acl available on the server and there is not much literature on using these tools in production. My three main concerns are as followed.

1: Does running a cake command effect performance or latency times for anyone viewing the site either while the cake command is run or after it is run? Obviously running scripts affects performance, but is this a performance hit that people viewing the site would notice?

2: Are there any security issues associated with cake being installed on the server?

3: Does including cake in the centos path cause any issues, and should such a path edit be placed in the .bashrc or .bash_profile file? Cake's docs says to use either. Which is preferred?

Any additional information on using cake commands from the centos command line would be of great help. Thank you to anyone who has input regarding these questions.


1 回答 1


1)单独运行蛋糕不会做太多,这在很大程度上取决于你运行的外壳。例如,如果您将迁移插件用于在后台执行大量操作的应用程序或另一个 shell,那么它会影响站点的性能是合乎逻辑的。有一个名为“ nice ”的 unix 命令可以用来限制 CPU 的使用。

2) 取决于您允许谁主要使用它以及您使用它运行什么蛋糕壳。如果您执行恶意代码或不允许用户运行可能会破坏某些数据的脚本......核心代码本身非常可靠。

3)我猜你已经在评论中得到了答案。我会说这是一个问题或个人喜好和品味,但我不是 Linux 迷,只有在必要时才使用它,所以对于这一点可能会有更好的答案。

于 2013-09-17T17:32:56.110 回答