at my work i write numerous small python scripts for DB management, most scripts use one or two common libraries which i sometimes update, before distribution i freeze the scripts with cxfreeze and copy over some resources and upload to a server.

i would like to set up some up some system which would allow me to automatically rebuild/freeze all of the scripts , copy over some files, archive and upload to server.

I'm not sure where even to look for such a system, because most of what if found is complicated server based systems like AHP for compiled languages, while i need something small for a single computer

obviously i can write something fast and dirty in python but it seems illogical that there isn't something ready made for these simple requirements.

please forgive my ignorance, I'm still learning.


2 回答 2


您是否考虑过使用make?如果您从另一种语言熟悉它,它可能是最简单的。这里的 python wiki 上也有一个列表。

于 2013-09-17T15:04:09.740 回答


Buildout 是一个基于 Python 的构建系统,用于从多个部分创建、组装和部署应用程序,其中一些可能不是基于 Python 的。它使您可以创建扩展配置并在以后重现相同的软件。


于 2013-09-17T18:21:55.787 回答