我正在使用 equalHeightColumns.js 提供一个跨浏览器等高,在我需要 2 组等高之前它工作正常。
<div class="row">
<section class="equalHeight"></section>
<section class="equalHeight"></section>
<div class="row">
<section class="equalHeight"></section>
<section class="equalHeight"></section>
如您所见,我不希望具有 equalHeight 的所有内容仅在同一行内具有相同的高度。
插件一样工作,以便我可以通过属性对 equalHeight 元素进行分组。
<section class="equalHeight" rel="group1"></section>
<section class="equalHeight" rel="group1"></section>
<section class="equalHeight" rel="group2"></section>
<section class="equalHeight" rel="group2"></section>
* equalHeightColumns.js 1.0
* Copyright 2013, Paul Sprangers http://paulsprangers.com
* Released under the WTFPL license
* http://www.wtfpl.net
* Date: Thu Feb 21 20:11:00 2013 +0100
(function($) {
$.fn.equalHeightColumns = function(options) {
defaults = {
minWidth: -1, // Won't resize unless window is wider than this value
maxWidth: 99999, // Won't resize unless window is narrower than this value
setHeightOn: 'min-height', // The CSS attribute on which the equal height is set. Usually height or min-height
heightMethod: 'outerHeight',// Height calculation method: height, innerHeight or outerHeight
delay: false,
delayCount: 100
var $this = $(this); // store the object
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // merge options
// Recalculate the distance to the top of the element to keep it centered
var resizeHeight = function(){
// Get window width
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
// Check to see if the current browser width falls within the set minWidth and maxWidth
if(options.minWidth < windowWidth && options.maxWidth > windowWidth){
var height = 0;
var highest = 0;
// Reset heights
$this.css( options.setHeightOn, 0 );
// Figure out the highest element
$this.each( function(){
height = $(this)[options.heightMethod]();
if( height > highest ){
highest = height;
} );
// Set that height on the element
$this.css( options.setHeightOn, highest );
} else {
// Add check so this doesn't have to happen everytime
$this.css( options.setHeightOn, 0 );
// Call once to set initially
if (options.delay){
setTimeout(resizeHeight, options.delayCount);
} else {
// Call on resize. Opera debounces their resize by default.