获取多个站点中 Windows 计算机的远程计算机信息,并将找到的信息写入 Active Directory 中每个计算机对象的 .Description 属性。如果脚本无法连接到远程计算机,请将该信息记录到文本文件中,并且不要对无法连接的计算机对象进行任何更改。
我将此设置作为计划任务运行第二个脚本(调用第一个脚本),该脚本通过 Windows 7 Pro 虚拟机上的批处理文件执行。
主脚本(脚本 1):
set-location \\myscriptcomputer\c$\somefolder\PSScripts
enter code here`function Measure-Latest {
BEGIN { $latestlogon = $null }
if (($_ -ne $null) -and (($latestlogon -eq $null) -or ($_ -gt $latestlogon))) {
$latestlogon = $_
END { $latestlogon }
Function CreateLog {
#Create a log file
$global:path = "C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions"
$global:LogTime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss"
$global:LogName = 'CompDescriptions'
$global:LogFile = 'C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions\'+$LogName+$LogTime+'.txt'
Write-Host "Creating log file" -foregroundcolor yellow
#Do Nothing
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions
cd C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions
echo "WriteComputerDescriptions Script Log" >> $global:logfile
Function WriteDescription {
Write-Host "Gathering Computer information..." -foregroundcolor yellow
$UserWorkstations = get-qadcomputer -sizelimit 0 -includeallproperties -searchroot my.domain.com/MyUserWorkstations
$IPv4Regex = "^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$"
foreach ($computerobject in $UserWorkstations) {
$computerIP = $NULL
$computerIP2 = $NULL
$computerIP3 = $NULL
$computerserial = $NULL
$computerserial2 = $NULL
$findlastuser = $NULL
$findlastuser2 = $NULL
$lastlogontime = $NULL
$findlastuserFname = $NULL
$findlastuserFname2 = $NULL
$findlastuserLname = $NULL
$findlastuserLname2 = $NULL
$fullname = $NULL
$userlogon = $NULL
$computerName = $computerobject.name
$oldcomputerdescription = $computerobject.description
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Testing connection to $computerName ..."
$testConnection = test-connection -computername $computerName -count 2 -quiet
Write-Host "Connection is $testconnection"
if ($testConnection -eq $True) {
$Connect = $testConnection
#get IP address(es)
try {
$computerIP = get-wmiobject -class win32_networkadapterconfiguration -filter IPEnabled=TRUE -computername $computerName
$computerIP2 = $computerIP.ipaddress[0]
$computerIP3 = $computerIP.ipaddress[1]
Write-Host = $computerIP2
if ($computerIP3 -match $IPv4Regex){
Write-Host = $computerIP3
catch [system.exception]{
$connect = $False
Write-Host "Could not connect to $computerName. No IP collected."
#get computer serial
try {
$computerSerial = gwmi win32_bios -computername $computerName | select serialnumber
$computerserial2 = $computerSerial.serialnumber.tostring()
catch [system.exception]{
Write-Host "Could not get serial for $computerName."
$computerSerial = "Unavailable"
$computerSerial2 = "Unavailable"
#get username of currently logged in user
try {
$findlastUser = gwmi win32_computersystem -computer $computerName | select username
$findlastuser2 = ($findlastUser.username).replace("mydomain\","")
catch [system.exception]{
Write-Host "Could not get username of logged in user on $computerName"
$findlastUser = "Unavailable"
$findlastUser2 = "Unavailable"
#get last logon time of user
try {
if($findlastuser2 -ne $NULL -and $findlastuser2 -notlike "Unavailable") {
#ignore domain controllers in a datacenter due to connectivity stuff
$lastlogontime = get-qadcomputer -computerrole domaincontroller | where { $_.name -notmatch "-COLO"} | foreach {(get-qaduser -service $_.name -samaccountname $findlastuser2).LastLogon } | Measure-Latest
catch {
if ($lastlogontime -eq $NULL -and $findlastuser2 -eq $NULL){
Write-Host "Could not find a last logon time"
Write-Host "No username available to query"
$lastlogontime = "Unavailable"
if ($lastlogontime -eq $NULL -and $findlastuser2 -ne $NULL){
Write-Host "Could not find a last logon time for user $findlastuser"
$lastlogontime = "Unavailable"
#search AD for the user identified, select first name
try {
$findlastuserFname = get-qaduser $findlastuser2 | select firstname
$findlastuserFname2 = $findlastuserFname.firstname.tostring()
catch [system.exception]{
if ($findlastuserFname2 -eq $NULL) {
Write-Host "No first name for user found"
#search AD for the user identified, select last name
try {
$findlastuserLname = get-qaduser $findlastuser2 | select lastname
$findlastuserLname2 = $findlastuserLname.lastname
catch [system.exception] {
if ($findlastuserLname2 -eq $NULL) {
Write-Host "No last name for user found"
#join the first and last names together if both properties are available
if ($findlastuserFname2 -ne $NULL -and $findlastuserLname2 -ne $NULL){
$fullname = "$findlastuserFname2" + " $findlastuserLname2"
elseif ($findlastuserFname2 -eq $NULL -and $findlastuserLname -ne $NULL){
$fullname = $findlastuserLname2
elseif ($findlastuserFname2 -ne $NULL -and $findlastuserLname -eq $NULL){
$fullname = $findlastuserFname2
else {
$fullname = "Unavailable"
#Set the description data format
#With only 1 IPv4 Address
if ($computerIP3 -notmatch $IPv4Regex -or $computerIP3 -eq $NULL){
$newcomputerdescription = "$fullname | $computerIP2 | $computerSerial2 | $lastlogontime"
#With 2 IPv4 Addresses
if ($computerIP3 -match $IPv4Regex) {
$newcomputerdescription = "$fullname | $computerIP2, $computerIP3 | $computerSerial2 | $lastlogontime"
#If the description data is the same, leave it as it is
if ($newcomputerdescription -eq $oldcomputerdescription){
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Information for $computerName has not" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "changed. No edits were made on this object." -foregroundcolor yellow
if ($newcomputerdescription -ne $oldcomputerdescription -and $Connect -eq $TRUE) {
set-qadcomputer -identity $computerName -Description $newcomputerdescription
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Computer description updated for object $computerName" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "New host information:"
Write-Host "$newcomputerdescription"
else {
Write-Host "Could not connect to computer $computerName"
Write-Host "No changes made to description for $computerName"
$noconnecterror = "Could not connect to computer $computerName"
$noconnecterror | Out-File $global:logfile -Append -Force
Write-Host "Processing complete!"
CreateLog -erroraction silentlycontinue
WriteDescription -erroraction silentlycontinue
start-sleep -s 3
set-location \\myscriptcomputer\c$\somefolder\PSScripts
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$timeoutput = Measure-Command {\\myscriptcomputer\c$\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions.ps1}
cd \\myscriptcomputer\c$\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions
$scriptlog = get-childitem | sort creationtime | select -last 1
$logname = $scriptlog.name
Add-Content c:\somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions\$logname "`nExecution Time: $timeoutput"
Write-Host "Script complete!"
Start-sleep -s 3
在我的环境 Active Directory 中的结果中,这对数百个对象有效,但这是我在日志文件中看到的示例:
无法连接电脑computer391 无法连接电脑computer392 无法连接电脑computer393 无法连接电脑computer394 䔊数畣楴汤吠浩㩥ㄠ㨱㘰㈺⸱㜵㤵㐰ഷ</p>
乱码文本的最后一行让我认为可能存在与内存相关的问题。如果我在计算机数量少得多的容器/OU 上运行我的脚本,我日志中的最后一行是一个时间,这是我通常所期望的。
如果任何经验丰富的 Powershell 专业人士可以在这里提供一些建议,我将非常感谢您的帮助。