
Function UMLAUT(text As String)
'** Dimensionierung der Variablen
Dim umlaut1, umlaut2, umlaut3, umlaut4, _
umlaut5, umlaut6, umlaut7, umlaut8, umlaut9, _
umlaut10, umlaut11, umlaut12, umlaut13, umlaut14, _
umlaut15, umlaut16, umlaut17, umlaut18, umlaut19, _
umlaut20, umlaut21, umlaut22 As String

umlaut1 = Replace(text, "ü", "ue")
umlaut2 = Replace(umlaut1, "Ü", "Ue")
umlaut3 = Replace(umlaut2, "ä", "ae")
umlaut4 = Replace(umlaut3, "Ä", "Ae")
umlaut5 = Replace(umlaut4, "ö", "oe")
umlaut6 = Replace(umlaut5, "Ö", "Oe")
umlaut7 = Replace(umlaut6, "ß", "ss")
umlaut8 = Replace(umlaut7, "ó", "o")
umlaut9 = Replace(umlaut8, "&", "+")
umlaut10 = Replace(umlaut9, ";", ",")
umlaut11 = Replace(umlaut10, "é", "e")
umlaut12 = Replace(umlaut11, "á", "a")
umlaut13 = Replace(umlaut12, "à", "a")

UMLAUT = umlaut13

End Function

这确实可以正常工作,但是有没有一种方法,每次我需要这个时我都不必寻找“新”特殊字符。例如,he west 数据还包含一个è,它没有被交换,因此银行软件中的导入不起作用。



4 回答 4


您需要的是对这个ASCII 表的方便参考


  1. 你不需要那么多变量。
  2. 当您将变量声明为Dim umlaut1, umlaut2, umlaut3 As String时,只有最后一个变量在 VBA 中被声明为字符串。前两个被声明为Variants

现在回到 ASCII 表。

如果您注意到特殊字符从 128 开始一直到 255,那么只需使用循环替换不需要的字符。



Function umlaut(text As String)
    Dim umlaut1 As String, rplString As String
    Dim i As Long, j as Long
    Dim MyArray

    '~~> One time slogging
    rplString = ",ue,e,,a,,,,,,,,......." '<~~ and so on.
    '~~> The first one before the comma is empty since we do
    '~~> not have any replacement for character represented by 128.
    '~~> The next one is for 129 and then 130 and so on so forth.
    '~~> The characters for which you do not have the replacement,
    '~~> leave them empty

    MyArray = Split(rplString, ",")

    umlaut1 = text: j = 0

    For i = 128 To 255
        umlaut1 = Replace(umlaut1, Chr(i), MyArray(j))
        j = j + 1

    umlaut = umlaut1
End Function

提示:如果您认为您可以通过只考虑 ASCII 166 来获得解决方案,那么只需相应地修改代码 :)

于 2013-09-17T13:52:02.790 回答

siddharth 的代码加上额外的注释加上

  • 德语的 rpl_string;
  • 对于消除的字符(无需替换),您可以放入任何您喜欢的符号


Function umlaut(text As String, Optional replaceEMPTYby As String = "")
    'great thx to Siddharth rout!
Dim umlaut1 As String, rplString As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim MyArray

    '~~> One time slogging
rplString = "EUR,,,f,,,,,,,S,,OE,,Z,,,,,,,,,,,(TM),s,,oe,,z,Y,,i,c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A,A,A,A,Ae,A,A,C,E,E,E,E,I,I,I,I,G,N,O,O,O,O,Oe,x,0,U,U,U,Ue,Y,b,ss,a,a,a,a,ae,a,ae,c,e,e,e,e,i,i,i,i,o,n,o,o,o,o,o,-,o,u,u,u,u,y,b,y" '<~~ and so on.
    '~~> The first one before the comma is empty since we do
    '~~> not have any replacement for character represented by 128.
    '~~> The next one is for 129 and then 130 and so on so forth.
    '~~> The characters for which you do not have the replacement,
    '~~> leave them empty
    'how to find out your own signs: in Excel in Cell A128 type formula =CHAR(ROW())
    'copy that down to 255. replace characters not wanted by the charcater wanted.
    'in B128 formula: =A128
    'in all cells from B129 down to 255 type/copy formula: =CONCATENATE(R[-1]C,"","",RC[-1])
    'paste the value from B255 in "rplstring" above!

If replaceEMPTYby <> "" Then
    rplString = Replace(rplString, ",,", "," & replaceEMPTYby & ",")
    rplString = Replace(rplString, ",,", "," & replaceEMPTYby & ",")
    rplString = Replace(rplString, ",,", "," & replaceEMPTYby & ",")
    If Mid(rplString, 1, 1) = "," Then rplString = replaceEMPTYby & rplString
    If Mid(rplString, Len(rplString), 1) = "," Then rplString = rplString & replaceEMPTYby
    Debug.Print rplString
End If

    MyArray = Split(rplString, ",")
    umlaut1 = text: j = 0

    For i = 128 To 255
        umlaut1 = Replace(umlaut1, Chr(i), MyArray(j))
        j = j + 1
    umlaut = umlaut1
End Function
于 2013-09-19T14:30:23.623 回答


Function UMLAUT(text As String) As String
    UMLAUT = Replace(text, "ü", "ue")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "Ü", "Ue")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "ä", "ae")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "Ä", "Ae")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "ö", "oe")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "Ö", "Oe")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "ß", "ss")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "ó", "o")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "&", "+")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, ";", ",")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "é", "e")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "á", "a")
    UMLAUT = Replace(UMLAUT, "à", "a")
End Function
于 2013-09-17T13:33:45.750 回答


Function replaceSpecialCharacters(givenString As String) As String

    Const SPECIAL_CHARS As String = "áéíóúýÁÉÍÓÚÝäëõöüÄËIÖÜ"
    Const REPLACE_CHARS As String = "aeiouyAEIOUYaeoouAEIOU"
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(SPECIAL_CHARS)
        givenString = replace(givenString, Mid(SPECIAL_CHARS, i, 1), Mid(REPLACE_CHARS, i, 1))
    Next i

    replaceSpecialCharacters = givenString

End Function
于 2020-07-16T08:49:21.637 回答