public void paint(Graphics g)
Above The name of the method, methods are ways (re-usable blocks of code) of operating on objects
public means the method can be called from outside or inside it's package
void means that the method does not return a value,
for example if void was changed to int, then this method would give out an int value when run
the 'g' is a variable of type Graphics which is local to this method. The g can be changed to
any legal variable name and it will only affect the code within the method as that is where it is used.
So if you changed g to helloMyNameIsEarl for example, all the places where g is referenced
in the code below would error, until you swapped wherever g is referenced to helloMyNameIsEarl
eg helloMyNameIsEarl.setColor(Color.WHITE);
g.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 480);
g.drawRect(60, 200, 100, 250);
g.drawString("My name is James", 200, 400);
All of the above g.something(something, something) are methods being called on g, which is referencing the
Graphics object passed to it (Look up pass by value in java methods) so your method you have is receiving a
Graphics object and performing the operations between the { } on it.
以下链接将为您提供更多信息。这是 Java 标准版 API,提供了上述方法的详细信息。Java Se 7 api Graphics 这将详细介绍该方法及其“属性”。