I have a stored procedure for pivoting manually
ALTER procedure [dbo].[performancepivot] (
@startdate datetime,
@enddate datetime
) as begin
set nocount on
declare @date1 nvarchar(100)=convert(varchar, @startdate+'00:00:00.000',120),
@date2 nvarchar(100)= convert(varchar, @enddate+'23:59:59.000',120);
with cte as
dbo.testfunctionstacknew(convert(decimal(10,1),avg(convert(numeric(18,2), datediff(ss, t.Paydate, t.DelDate))))) as Average
from Transaction_tbl as t
left join VType_tbl as v on t.vtid = v.vtid
left join Location_tbl as l on t.Locid = l.Locid
where t.Locid in (select t1.Locid from Transaction_tbl as t1)
and t.dtime between @date1 and @date2
and t.Status = 5
group by v.Vtype, l.LocName, l.Locid)
select c.LocName,
max(case when c.Vtype = 'Normal' then Average end) as Normal,
max(case when c.Vtype = 'Vip' then Average end) as Vip,
max(case when c.Vtype = 'VVip' then Average end) as VVip,
max(case when c.Vtype = 'Pass' then Average end) as Pass,
max(case when c.Vtype = 'Staff' then Average end) as Staff
from cte as c group by c.LocName order by c.LocName
while executing this i am getting exact out put..i dont want pivot manually..so i try to write stored procedure 'pivot Dynamically'.. i try to write stored procedure like this:
ALTER procedure [dbo].[ParkingSummary1]
@startdate nvarchar(100), @enddate nvarchar(100) as
declare @date1 nvarchar(100) = convert(varchar, @startdate+' 00:00:00.000', 120)
declare @date2 nvarchar(100) = convert(varchar, @enddate+' 23:59:59.000', 120)
select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(Vtype) from VType_tbl
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'')
set @query = 'SELECT LocName, ' + @cols + '(
select l.LocName,v.Vtype,[dbo].[testfunctionstacknew](
CONVERT(decimal(10,1), AVG( CONVERT(NUMERIC(18,2),
DATEDIFF(SS,t.Paydate,t.DelDate) ) ))) as Average
from (select l.LocName,Vtype from Transaction_tbl t join
VType_tbl v on t.vtid = v.vtid join dbo.Location_tbl l on
t.locid=l.Locid where dtime between '''+ @date1 +''' and '''+ @date2 +'''
and Status = 5) d pivot ( count(Vtype) for Vtype in (' + @cols + ')) p '
print @query
exec sp_executesql @query;
but while executing this stored procedure i am getting error:Column 'Location_tbl.LocName' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. what is wrong with my second stored procedure..if any one know please help me to find out