我有一个 javascript AJAX 调用将 javascript 日期对象传递给 ASP.Net MVC 控制器。这是 AJAX 调用:

  var timestamp = new Date();
    url: '',
    type: 'POST',
    data: { username: username,
            timestamp: timestamp,
            hash: ''},
    dataType: 'json',



Public Class AjaxParams
   Public Property Username As String
   Public Property Hash As String
   Public Property Timestamp As String
End Class


<HttpPost()> _
Public Function RetrieveSalt(params As AjaxParams)

调用控制器时,所有参数都会正确传递并填充 AjaxParams 对象。

但是,稍后在我的代码中,我试图将传递的 javascript 日期从其字符串表示形式转换为 VB.net DateTime 对象。我创建了一个函数来执行此操作,该函数对于某些日期可以正常工作,但它根本不够强大,无法转换所有必要的日期格式,并且在许多日期上都失败了。


2013 年 9 月 17 日星期二 07:01:36 GMT+0600 (ALMT)


Public Function TryParseDate(dDate As String) As Date

    Dim enUK As New CultureInfo("en-GB")
    Dim Converted_Date As Nullable(Of Date) = Nothing
    Dim Temp_Date As Date
    Dim formats() As String = {"ddd MMM d yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'zzzz '(BST)'", _
                               "ddd MMM d yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'zzzz '(GMT)'", _
                               "ddd MMM d yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'zzzz", _
                               "ddd MMM d yyyy HH:mm:ss 'UTC'zzzz"}

    ' Ensure no leading or trailing spaces exist
    dDate = dDate.Trim(" ")

    Select Case True
        Case IsNumeric(dDate)
            Dim Unix_Date As Long = Long.Parse(dDate)

                Dim newDate As Date = New DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
                Converted_Date = newDate.AddMilliseconds(Unix_Date)
            Catch ex As Exception
                Converted_Date = Nothing
            End Try

        Case Else

                Converted_Date = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dDate)
            Catch ex As Exception

                ' Find the location of the first opening bracket
                Dim OpeningBracket As Integer = dDate.IndexOf("(")
                Dim DateLength As Integer = dDate.Length

                ' Remove the trailing timezone abbreviation in brackets
                dDate = dDate.Remove(OpeningBracket, DateLength - OpeningBracket)

                ' Ensure no leading or trailing spaces exist
                dDate = dDate.Trim(" ")

                ' Attempt standard conversion and if successful, return the date
                If Date.TryParse(dDate, Temp_Date) Then
                    Converted_Date = Temp_Date
                    Converted_Date = Nothing
                End If

                ' Standard date parsing function has failed, try some other formats
                If IsNothing(Converted_Date) Then
                    If Date.TryParseExact(dDate, formats, enUK, DateTimeStyles.None, Temp_Date) Then
                        Converted_Date = Temp_Date
                        Converted_Date = Nothing
                    End If
                End If
            End Try
    End Select

    Return Converted_Date

End Function

要么我在这里遗漏了一些非常简单的东西,要么将日期格式解析为带有时区信息等的 DateTime 对象,这真的很痛苦。



1 回答 1


最简单的方法是将您的 javascript 更改为:

timestamp: timestamp.toISOString(),

这将发出 ISO-8601 格式的 UTC 日期和时间,例如:"2013-09-17T19:40:07.057Z".

但是,这并没有在所有浏览器中完全实现。如果您想与旧版浏览器完全兼容,那么您要么需要shim from here,要么考虑使用moment.js

timestamp: moment(timestamp).toISOString(),

在 .NET 方面,解析已经为您准备好了。

Dim dt As DateTime
dt = DateTime.Parse("2013-09-17T19:40:07.057Z", _
               CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, _

有些人喜欢的另一种方法是只传递来自 的整数Date.getTime(),然后将其添加到new DateTime(1970,1,1,0,0,0,DateTimeKind.Utc). 我宁愿避免这种情况,因为整数不像 ISO 格式那样可读。


于 2013-09-17T19:43:52.623 回答