I have a program that reads in 5 integers and gives out results of various calculations using those numbers. I am having particular trouble calculating the geometric mean. I am aware that you are supposed to multiply the numbers together and take the nth root of the result.

my code is as follows (assume all #includes and main method are correct.):

int num1, num2, num3, num4, num5;

cout << "Enter five integers: \n";
cin >> num1 >> num2 >> num3 >> num4 >> num5;

double gMean = pow((num1 * num2 * num3 * num4 * num5), (1.0/5.0));
cout << "Geometric mean     = " << gMean << endl;

This code works for small numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, but when I input large numbers it gives me nan as the answer.

The numbers I need to work in this are : 85, 43, 95, 100, and 78

My question is: Why does the pow() function give me nan as the answer when the larger numbers are put in but return the correct answers when small numbers are put in?

EDIT: First question answered. Now that I know that I am having overflow issues, how do I go about resolving it?


4 回答 4



   If x is a finite value less than 0, and y is a finite noninteger, 
a domain error occurs, and a NaN is returned. 

   Except as specified below, if x or y is a NaN, the result is a NaN.

   If x is negative, then large negative or positive y values yield a NaN 
as the function result, with  errno  set  to  EDOM,  and  an  invalid
   (FE_INVALID)  floating-point  exception.  For example, with pow(), 
one sees this behavior when the absolute value of y is greater than about


于 2013-09-17T05:03:27.863 回答


double gMean = pow(num1, (1.0/5.0)) *
               pow(num2, (1.0/5.0)) *
               pow(num3, (1.0/5.0)) *
               pow(num4, (1.0/5.0)) *
               pow(num5, (1.0/5.0)) 
于 2013-09-17T05:08:27.803 回答

问题不在pow. 表达方式

num1 * num2 * num3 * num4 * num5




(double) num1 * num2 * num3 * num4 * num5


于 2013-09-17T05:32:52.147 回答


此外,您可以根据此处文档中所述的错误期间发生的一些事件检查这些问题:http: //en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/math/pow

为清楚起见进行了编辑: pow() 将双精度作为输入,因此当您将所有这些整数相乘时,当结果类型转换为双精度时,可能会导致溢出。此外,数学本身可能会导致溢出。

于 2013-09-17T04:57:50.343 回答