


my name is john jane doe jane doe doe my name is jane doe doe my jane doe name is jane doe I go by the name of john joe jane doe is my name


  Rank    Freq  Phrase
      1       6  jane doe
      2       3  my name
      3       3  name is
      4       2  doe doe
      5       2  doe doe my
      6       2  doe my
      7       2  is jane
      8       2  is jane doe
      9       2  jane doe doe
     10       2  jane doe doe my
     11       2  my name is
     12       2  name is jane
     13       2  name is jane doe

就我而言,我只需要包含 2 个或更多单词的短语。知道如何解决这个问题吗?


3 回答 3


原始版本 - 由于使用字符串连接运算符+,此版本非常浪费 CPU 和内存,因为它会创建新char[]对象并将数据从一个对象复制到另一个对象+

public class CountPhrases {
    public static void main(String[] arg){
        String input = "my name is john jane doe jane doe doe my name is jane doe doe my jane doe name is jane doe I go by the name of john joe jane doe is my name";

        String[] split = input.split(" ");
        Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
        for(int i=0; i<split.length-1; i++){
            String phrase = split[i];
             for(int j=i+1; j<split.length; j++){
                phrase += " " + split[j];
                Integer count = counts.get(phrase);
                     counts.put(phrase, 1);
                 } else {
                     counts.put(phrase, count+1);

        Map.Entry<String,Integer>[] entries = counts.entrySet().toArray(new Map.Entry[0]);
        Arrays.sort(entries, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>() {
            public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Integer> o1, Map.Entry<String, Integer> o2) {
                return o2.getValue().compareTo(o1.getValue());
        int rank=1;
        System.out.println("Rank Freq Phrase");
        for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry:entries){
            int count = entry.getValue();
                System.out.printf("%4d %4d %s\n", rank++, count,entry.getKey());


Rank Freq Phrase
   1    6 jane doe
   2    3 name is
   3    3 my name
   4    2 name is jane doe
   5    2 jane doe doe
   6    2 doe my
   7    2 my name is
   8    2 is jane doe
   9    2 jane doe doe my
  10    2 name is jane
  11    2 is jane
  12    2 doe doe
  13    2 doe doe my

Process finished with exit code 0

新版本 - 使用String.substring可以节省 CPU 和内存,因为通过子字符串获得的所有字符串在后台共享相同char[]。这应该运行得更快。

public class CountPhrases {
    public static void main(String[] arg){
        String input = "my name is john jane doe jane doe doe my name is jane doe doe my jane doe name is jane doe I go by the name of john joe jane doe is my name";

        String[] split = input.split(" ");
        Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<String,Integer>(split.length*(split.length-1)/2,1.0f);
        int idx0 = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<split.length-1; i++){
            int splitIpos = input.indexOf(split[i],idx0);
            int newPhraseLen = splitIpos-idx0+split[i].length();
            String phrase = input.substring(idx0, idx0+newPhraseLen);
            for(int j=i+1; j<split.length; j++){
                newPhraseLen = phrase.length()+split[j].length()+1;
                phrase=input.substring(idx0, idx0+newPhraseLen);
                Integer count = counts.get(phrase);
                     counts.put(phrase, 1);
                } else {
                     counts.put(phrase, count+1);
            idx0 = splitIpos+split[i].length()+1;

        Map.Entry<String, Integer>[] entries = counts.entrySet().toArray(new Map.Entry[0]);
        Arrays.sort(entries, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>() {
            public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Integer> o1, Map.Entry<String, Integer> o2) {
                return o2.getValue().compareTo(o1.getValue());
        int rank=1;
        System.out.println("Rank Freq Phrase");
        for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry:entries){
            int count = entry.getValue();
                System.out.printf("%4d %4d %s\n", rank++, count,entry.getKey());


Rank Freq Phrase
   1    6 jane doe
   2    3 name is
   3    3 my name
   4    2 name is jane doe
   5    2 jane doe doe
   6    2 doe my
   7    2 my name is
   8    2 is jane doe
   9    2 jane doe doe my
  10    2 name is jane
  11    2 is jane
  12    2 doe doe
  13    2 doe doe my

Process finished with exit code 0
于 2013-09-17T04:09:57.077 回答


于 2013-09-17T03:00:03.233 回答
    String txt = "my name is songxiao name is";
    List<Map<String, Integer>> words = new ArrayList<Map<String, Integer>>();
    Map map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    String[] tmp = txt.split(" ");
    for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length - 1; i++) {
        String key = tmp[i];
        for (int j = 1; j < tmp.length - i; j++) {
            key += " " + tmp[i + j];
            if (map.containsKey(key)) {
                map.put(key, Integer.parseInt(map.get(key).toString()) + 1);
            } else {
                map.put(key, 1);
    Iterator<String> it = map.keySet().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        String key = it.next().toString();
        System.out.println(key + "     " + map.get(key));


于 2013-09-17T04:02:01.107 回答