
我正在编写一个体育游戏的模拟程序,它在大多数情况下都可以正常工作;像它应该的那样编译和运行。指示要求我假设我应该使用 printf 和 %.2f,但是每当我尝试将其合并到我的代码中时,它就会停止正常运行。帮助将不胜感激!

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Team {

public String name;

public String location;

public double offense;

public double defense;

public Team winner;

public Team(String name, String location) {
  this.name = name;
  this.location = location;
  this.offense = luck();
  this.defense = luck();

public double luck() {
    return Math.random();

Team play(Team visitor) {
    Team winner;
    double home;
    double away;
    home = (this.offense + this.defense + 0.2) * this.luck();
    away = (visitor.offense + visitor.defense) * visitor.luck();
    if (home > away)
      winner = this;
    else if (home < away)
      winner = visitor;
      winner = this;
    return winner;

public static void main(String[] args) {
  Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("Enter name and location for home team (on separate lines)");
                         String homeName = s.next();
                         String homeLocation = s.next();
                         Team homeTeam = new Team(homeName, homeLocation);
    System.out.println("Enter name and location for home team (on separate lines)");
                         String awayName = s.next();
                         String awayLocation = s.next();
                         Team awayTeam = new Team(awayName, awayLocation);
    Team winnerTeam = homeTeam.play(awayTeam);
    System.out.printf("Home team is:" + homeName + " from" + homeLocation + " rated" + homeTeam.offense + " (offense) +" + homeTeam.defense + " (defense)" + "\n");
    System.out.printf("Away team is:" + awayName + " from" + awayLocation + " rated" + awayTeam.offense + " (offense) +" + awayTeam.defense + " (defense)" + "\n");
    System.out.printf("Winner is:" + winnerTeam.name + " from" + winnerTeam.location + " rated" + winnerTeam.offense + " (offense) +" + winnerTeam.defense + " (defense)" + "\n");

2 回答 2



 System.out.printf("Home team is:" + homeName +
                   " from" + homeLocation +
                   " rated" +  homeTeam.offense +
                   " (offense) +" + homeTeam.defense +
                   " (defense)" + "\n");

这就像一位老同事试图用来PreparedStatements防止 SQL 注入攻击的方式,但无论如何通过连接构造查询字符串,使尝试无效。相反,请查看 的签名printf

public PrintWriter format(String format, Object... args)

第一个参数是一个格式字符串,它包含以 . 开头的静态文本和格式指令%。在典型使用中,每个格式指令对应于方法的一个参数。用指令替换插值变量。

字符串通常使用%s: s 来格式化字符串。双精度通常用%f: f 表示浮点数(或双精度数)。和字母之间的%字符是选项。因此,让我们用指令替换您插入的字符串:

"Home team is: "  + "%s" +             // Inserted a space.
" from"           + "%s" +
" rated"          + "%6.2f" +          // Six characters, 2 after the decimal.
" (offense)    +" + "%6.2f" +
" (defense)"      + "%n"               // %n means the appropriate way to get a new line
                                       // for the encoding.


System.out.format("Home team is: %s from %s rated %6.2f (offense) + %6.2f (defense)%n",
                   homeName, homeLocation, homeTeam.offense, homeTeam.defense);


String salesTax = "5%";
System.out.format("The sales tax is " + salesTax);


System.out.format("The sales tax is 5%");


System.out.format("The sales tax is 5%%");


String salesTax = "5%";
System.out.format("The sales tax is %s", salesTax);

但是现在我要问你为什么不拿homeNameand homeLocationfrom Team。当然,它们之间的相关Team性比彼此更相关。实际上,您应该查看Formattable界面,并且通过适当的编码,您可以编写:

System.out.format("%s%, homeTeam); 
于 2013-09-17T02:07:24.087 回答


public class A {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println(String.format("%.2f", 12.34123123));
于 2013-09-17T01:56:23.450 回答