foreach (var corporationObj in corporations)
// Log which corporation it is currenlty doing
_keepItDry.Log("Started Data Summarisation for corporation: @" + corporationObj.Description, w);
// Pass the coporationId and call method to DoProductStatsForCorporation and also pass the log file to continue our logging.
// w.Close();
DoProductStatsForCorporation(corporationObj.Id, path);
private void DoProductStatsForCorporation(int corporationId, string logFilePath)
var corporationManufacturerRepository = new CorporationManufacturerRepository();
var manufacturerRepository = new ManufacturerRepository();
// Get brand sfor the coporationId passes
var corporationManufacturers = corporationManufacturerRepository.GetAllManufacturersForCorporation(corporationId);
//check before process is used by another object
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(logFilePath);
using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText(logFilePath))
// If brands are existing for the corporation proceed.
if (corporationManufacturers.Any())
// loop through each brand to processs
foreach (var corporationManufacturer in corporationManufacturers)
#region ProductStats
// get the manufacturer row so that we can know more details about the manufacturer
var manufacturer = manufacturerRepository.GetManufacturer(corporationManufacturer.ManufacturerId);
// Get the countries for the manufacturer
_keepItDry.Log("Started Doing data summarisation for Brand: @ " + manufacturer.Description, w);
// this is common method so extracted to reuse it.
// we need to clos ethe file as we are sending to another function.
DoProductStatsForBrand(manufacturer, logFilePath);
#endregion ProductStats
_keepItDry.AddTolistBox(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ": Ended Summarizing data for " + manufacturer.Description, _listBoxLog);
_keepItDry.Log(" No Brands are there for the selected Corporation Please check if Brands are mapped for this Corporation ? : @ ", w);
_keepItDry.AddTolistBox(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " : No Brands are there for the selected Corporation Please check if Brands are mapped for this Corporation ", _listBoxLog);
// w.Flush();
// w.Dispose();
// GC.Collect();
来到下一个公司 ID 后,我收到“当前文件已关闭”。