I have 2 questions,

Okay so I have read online what sizes I should make my app icons for certain size phone screens. I know how to clarify what the launcher Icon is for my app with this code,


My app image is 72px x 72px. So its placed in the drawable-hdpi folder. Then I have a 36px x 36px icon for low density screens which is placed in the drawable-ldpi folder. So, for the 36px x 36px icon, should it be saved in the drawable-ldpi folder as icon? Cause wouldn't this cause an error because 2 files will be named the same thing?

Second question is my app launcher icon is saved in the drawable-hdpi folder. I read online that I also need an action bar and status bar icon, both have to be 36px x 36px. Where do I save these files at? In the drawable-hdpi file for high resolution screens I assume, but what do I name them? Do I have to clarify them in the android manifest file? How do I do so?


1 回答 1


px如果您在谈论 Android 可绘制对象时忘记并转而思考,那会更好dp。启动器图标是 48x48dp,所以(mdpi 上 48px,hdpi 上 72px 等)

那么,对于 36px x 36px 的图标,是否应该作为图标保存在 drawable-ldpi 文件夹中呢?


因为这不会导致错误,因为 2 个文件将被命名为相同的东西吗?

不,Android 可以很好地为不同的配置处理相同的资源,即使您有带有名称drawable-large-land-fr-xhdpi或类似名称的文件夹。它试图从其配置中获取最佳匹配。

我在网上读到我还需要一个操作栏和状态栏图标,两者都必须是 36px x 36px。

提供来源总是好的,这似乎是在给出错误的陈述。您可以在 Android Developers上阅读操作栏图标必须为 32x32dp,通知必须为 24x24dp。如果你不使用它们,你就不需要它们。

我在哪里保存这些文件?我假设在用于高分辨率屏幕的 drawable-hdpi 文件中,但我该如何命名它们?


我必须在 android 清单文件中澄清它们吗?


于 2013-09-17T00:13:28.477 回答