this works nicely
= link_to 'All', test_path(:param1 => xxx), 'data-no-turbolink' => true
and translates to
<a data-no-turbolink="true" href="/test?param1=xxx">All</a>
I want to change it to the new hash syntax so I did this:
= link_to 'All', test_path(param1: xxx), data: { no: { turbolink: true }}
but it translates to
<a data-no="{"turbolink":true}" href="/test?param1=xxx">All</a>
EDIT: This Works:
%a{href: "#{test_path(param1: xxx}", data: { no: { turbolink: true }}} All
which translates to
<a data-no-turbolink href='/test?param1=xxx'>All</a>
but shouldn't I stick to link_to
rather than <a href></a>