I need to migrate a large number of emails from Lotus Notes to a Outlook MSG format.

I need to ensure that the MSG's represent the emails in their original Lotus Notes format, including date sent, sent by, etc, and all attachments.

I have created LotusScript code to extract the email data and attachments from the Lotus Notes databases and store in a SQL database with attachments on a file store. I now need to work on code to read this data and create the Outlook messages. I have the scaffolding of a C# .Net application in place, but am struggling with being able to set read-only properties of the Outlook message, such as SentOn.

How do I/Can I set the read-only properties of the Outlook MailItem?


1 回答 1


您是先将邮件导入 Outlook 吗?

如果您只需要创建独立的 MSG 文件,您可以使用 Redemption 及其 RDOSession.CreateMessageFromMsgFile 方法 - http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/rdosession.htm - 它返回 RDOMail 对象的实例。您可以设置各种 RDOMail 属性并调用 RDOMail.Save。

于 2013-09-16T21:14:42.267 回答