public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// This class is being made to get the formula or what needs to be done
// leaving this as tfAnswer even though its the value of dollar
sDollarTotal = tfAnswer.getText();
iDollarTotal = Double.valueOf(sDollarTotal);
// Converting Distance to integer from string
iTen = (int) (iDollarTotal / 10);
sTen = String.valueOf(iTen);
// calc the five bucks dude
iFives = (int) ((iDollarTotal - iTen * 10) / 5); //take the int use the modules operator
sFive = String.valueOf(iFives);
// take the whole number and the whole number
iOne = (int) (((iDollarTotal - iTen * 10 - iFives * 5)));
sOne = String.valueOf(iOne);
iQuarter = (int) ((iDollarTotal - iTen * 10 - iFives * 5 - iOne) / 0.25);
sQuarter = String.valueOf(iQuarter);
iDime = (int) ((iDollarTotal - iTen * 10 - iFives * 5 - iOne - iQuarter * 0.25) / .10);
sDime = String.valueOf(iDime);
iNickel = (int) ((iDollarTotal - iTen * 10 - iFives * 5 - iOne
- iQuarter * 0.25 - iDime * .10) / .05);
sNickel = String.valueOf(iNickel);
iPenny = (int) ((iDollarTotal - iTen * 10 - iFives * 5 - iOne
- iQuarter * 0.25 - iDime * .10 - iNickel * .05) / .01);
sPenny = String.valueOf(iPenny);
textArea.setText(sTen + " Ten Dollar Bill" + "\n" + sFive
+ " Five Dollar Bills" + "\n" + sOne + " One dollar bill \n"
+ sQuarter + " Quarters \n" + sDime + " Dimes \n" + sNickel
+ " Nickels \n" + sPenny + " Pennys \n");
现在,当用户输入一个数字 25.46 美分时,它会显示 2 个十 1 五个 0 个 1 四分之一 2 一角硬币 0 镍 1 便士
但是当用户输入 25.56 它显示
2 十 1 五 0 个 0 四分之一 0 角钱 1 镍 0 便士
谁能告诉我为什么当我使用 25.56 时它显示 0 便士。