出于测试目的,我想创建一个小实用程序,它会提示我输入要创建的文件的大小以及要发送到的位置,然后在记录之前记录创建文件所需的时间Excel 电子表格中的结果。到目前为止,我有这个:
import time
import pythoncom
from win32com.client import Dispatch
#create file
myPath = input('Where do you want to write the file?')
size_MB = int(input('What sized file do you want to test with? (MB)'))
size_B = size_MB * 1024 * 1024
fName = '\pydatafile'
#start timer
start = time.clock()
f = open(myPath + fName,'w')
f.write("\x00" * size_B)
#how much time it took
elapsed = (time.clock() -start)
print ("It took", elapsed, "seconds to write the", size_B, "MB file")
#I'll sort something out to work out Mbps when the rest is ready
#record results on Excel
xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
xl.visible= 0
wb = xl.Workbooks.Add(r'C:\Users\ryansinfield\Desktop\Book1.xlsm')
ws = wb.Worksheets(1)
#loop until empty cell is found in column
col = 1
row = 1
empty = False
while not empty:
val = ws.Cells(row,col).value
print("Looking for next available cell to write to...")
if val == None:
print("Writing result to cell")
ws.Cells(row,col).value = Mbps
empty = True
row += 1
这会在指定位置创建一个文件,但文件创建是即时的。我为文件指定的大小无关紧要,它始终显示为 0 字节并需要微秒来创建。
有什么方法可以创建一个实际的文件,让我更有效地测试 LAN 速度?