I am not sure what I am doing wrong here.

I have a list where I am creating hyperlinks. I need to point the user to the right page first though so I do a getJson.

I have the following code in my .cshtm file:

            $.getJSON('/Home/GetLocType', { "locId": loc.locId },  
              function(result) {   
                result = Json.stringify(result);                

             if(result == '1')                     

                $('<li><a id=' + loc.locId + ' href="/DataEntry"  rel="external">' + loc.locName + '</a></li>').appendTo("#btnList");

                $('<li><a id=' + loc.locId + ' href="/DataEntry/PForm"  rel="external">' + loc.locName + '</a></li>').appendTo("#btnList");                    

I have the following code in the controller:

    private JsonResult GetLocType(int locId)
        int locationId = Convert.ToInt32(locId);            
        var result = db.Locations.Where(a => a.LocID == locationId).Select(a => a.TypeId);
        return Json(result);

The problem I am facing is that the Json method never gets called.


1 回答 1


Your controller method is declared as private - As such it would not be accessible.

Change it to public.

Secondly, you should activate allow get - Details on why this is not set by default see - Why is JsonRequestBehavior needed?

public JsonResult GetLocType(int locId)
    int locationId = Convert.ToInt32(locId);            
    var result = db.Locations.Where(a => a.LocID == locationId).Select(a => a.TypeId);
    return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
于 2013-09-16T15:19:14.907 回答