I'm working on one application which is using ASP.Net with C# in which I have one method with two parameters and I want to start it using Thread, to keep track either method execution is completed or not.


Below is the method which I want to call in thread:

private long CreateAJobCopy(long jobID, long userID)
        JobManagementClient jobManagementClient = new JobManagementClient();
        long newJobID=0;

            JobResultEntity jobResultEntity = jobManagementClient.CreateJobCopy(Common.AuthenticationToken, jobID, userID);
            if (jobResultEntity.Job != null)
                newJobID = jobResultEntity.Job.JobID;
            return newJobID;
        catch (Exception ex)
            ExceptionLogger.LogException(ex, Common.AuthenticationToken);
            return 0;

I want to display message to User that job is being created:

lblCreateJobCopyMessage.Text = "Please wait while new job is being created!";

when the method execution is completed I want to redirect to new page.


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