So i'm really new to magento and all. So i need to implement feature like -> when user buys specific item the user is automaticly moved to another group. As i searched web i saw that i can make custom module for that.

I created a directory in /public_html/app/code/local/ named GroupSwitcher and with subdirectory Switch and as the tutorial mentioned i needed etc and Model

so i have 3 files My GroupSwitcher_Switch.xml contains

        <!-- Whether our module is active: true or false -->

        <!-- Which code pool to use: core, community or local -->


my config.xml contains

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    The module's node contains basic 
    information about each Magento module

        This must exactly match the namespace and module's folder
        names, with directory separators replaced by underscores

        <!-- The version of our module, starting at 0.0.1 -->





            Unique identifier in the model's node.
            By convention, we put the module's name in lowercase.

                The path to our models directory, with directory
                separators replaced by underscores



    <!-- Defining an event observer -->

and Observe.php contains


class GroupSwitcher_Switch_Model_Observer
    public function moveToGroup(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)


So the problem is it wont fire when user finishes checkout... Could you please pint me in the right direction?


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于 2013-09-16T13:35:03.890 回答