This is the scenario:

  1. Request for authentication.

  2. Twitter asks for authorization

  3. Hit Cancel then hit Return to insert_app_name_here

  4. Request for authentication again.

  5. You get this, Authentication failed! Twitter returned an invalid oauth verifier.

  6. Request for authentication again.

  7. Twitter is normal now and asks for authorization.

I don't know if this is a bug in HybridAuth but is there another way I can get around this error?


1 回答 1


如果您不清除会话,这似乎通常会发生。混合缓存积极地缓存东西,但我认为它对检查缓存的完整性并不特别警惕。因此,如果您最终完成了一半的身份验证,它就会失去冷静并崩溃。据我所知,它似乎也相当依赖于提供者。我从来没有遇到过 facebook 的问题,但是如果你以错误的方式看待它,google+ auth 似乎会爆炸。


于 2013-09-26T04:51:47.623 回答