I'm writing a custom Solr component. This is how I currently fetch a Solr parameter in the component code:

SolrParams params = rb.req.getParams();
int paramValue = params.getInt(PARAM_NAME, 0);

The above code assigns the integer value of the parameter PARAM_NAME to the paramValue variable. The getInt method tries fetching the value from a GET parameter named PARAM_NAME sent to Solr via HTTP. If there's no such a GET parameter it fetches it from the defaults entry of the request handler entry in solrconfig.xml.

My custom component will be used in several request handlers. Most of the component parameters are common to most of the request handlers. I don't want to configure the common parameters inside each and every such request handler. I have tried defining the common parameters in the defaults entry of the component entry. Unfortunately, the params.getInt method doesn't try fetching parameters from the component's defaults entry, but only from the request handler's defaults entry.

I need a method that tries fetching a parameter from the component's defaults entry before trying fetching it from the request handler's defaults entry.


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