I have build an Report application using C# and Crystal Report I build program with Formula Selection to Change Query when User need to Filter the report. The program build in Windows 7. In the windows 7 program is running well as I needed, data and anything is shown like I needed. But I need to run in Windows XP. I try to filter date into to day.
The problem is on CrystalReportViewer RefreshReport(); If I don't use that function data on report doesn't refresh, but if I use that function The connection failed to logon Here is the code:
skr = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
dp = new DailyParking();
dp.SetDatabaseLogon("user", "passwd", "host", "dbname");
repotviewer.ReportSource = dp;
repotviewer.SelectionFormula = "Date({transaksi1.masuk})=Date('" +skr+ "') ";