I am using Google Cloud Messaging in my app with the help of Urban Airship.

Urban Airship is doing the registering to GCM and my code is doing the receiving of the GCM messages.

My question is who can it be that my app and the notifications are working without Google play services installed on the device?

As you see, my app works but I am afraid of a future problems.


1 回答 1


您的设备上必须有 Google Play 服务,您才能通过 Urban Airship 接收通知,后者在后台使用 GCM。

如果这是一个问题,请考虑替代推送网关,例如不依赖 GCM / Google Play 服务的 Pushy ( https://pushy.me/ ),建立自己的连接来接收推送通知。

全面披露——我是 Pushy 的创始人兼首席执行官。

于 2018-08-25T09:38:27.567 回答