I have following text:
color: #{mycolors.getColors(1)}
color: #{mycolors.getColors(2)}
I want to split the text in pairs, where the delimiter is #{mycolors.getColors()} and the text between previous delimeter and current delimiter will be saved. E.g. for such pairs:
Pair 1: text: my-widget{ color: number: 1
Pair 2: text: } ... my-tridget{ color: number: 2
What I am used so far,
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(.*)#\\{mycolors.getColor\\(([0-9])\\)\\}", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE|Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher m = p.matcher(data);
while (m.find){
String number = m.group(2).toLowerCase().trim();
String text = m.group(1);
But number and text will be to:
text: color: number: 1
text: color: number: 2
So the text doesn't go over several lines. How can I achieve this ? (The Pattern.DOTALL in addtion to Pattern.MULTILINE didn't help me)