My quick build has three steps:

  1. Repository : Which is checking out the source from svn - running fine
  2. Run the nunit script via devenv.com and generate the abc.xml file - NOT WORKING
  3. Publish the report from that abc.xml - running fine with one sample xml

Could you help with this 2nd step? i.e generating .xml automatically via quickbuild from nunit test cases.


1 回答 1


请像这样使用 NUnit 控制台运行器:

nunit-console /result:console-test.xml nunit.tests.dll

关于跑步者的更多信息可以在这里找到:http ://www.nunit.org/index.php?p=consoleCommandLine&r=2.6.2

于 2013-09-17T12:56:37.233 回答