// Opening the sharedPreferences object
sharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences("location", 0);
// Getting number of locations already stored
locationCount = sharedPreferences.getInt("locationCount", 0);
// Getting stored zoom level if exists else return 0
String zoom = sharedPreferences.getString("zoom", "0");
// If locations are already saved
String lat = "";
String lng = "";
// Iterating through all the locations stored
for(int i=0;i<locationCount;i++){
// Getting the latitude of the i-th location
lat = sharedPreferences.getString("lat"+i,"0");
// Getting the longitude of the i-th location
lng = sharedPreferences.getString("lng"+i,"0");
// Drawing marker on the map
drawMarker(new LatLng(Double.parseDouble(lat), Double.parseDouble(lng)));
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
// Storing the latitude for the i-th location
editor.putString("lat"+ Integer.toString((locationCount-1)), Double.toString(point.latitude));
// Storing the longitude for the i-th location
editor.putString("lng"+ Integer.toString((locationCount-1)), Double.toString(point.longitude));
// Storing the count of locations or marker count
editor.putInt("locationCount", locationCount);
/** Storing the zoom level to the shared preferences */
editor.putString("zoom", Float.toString(googleMap.getCameraPosition().zoom));
/** Saving the values stored in the shared preferences */
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Marker is added to the Map", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();