Now I'm creating store app with pcl F# library and C# store project for 8.1. OS is 8.1 Preview and VS is VS2013 Preview.

I tried to use Rx from pcl F# library.I could reference Rx assemblies which are in the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Reactive Extensions\v2.0\Binaries.NETPortable\v4.5" successfully.

But I coudln't reference Rx classes from fs file. F# compiler complained "The namespace 'Reactive' is not defined" for "open System.Reactive",why?

I have to do something another? or I can't?

Any advices will be helpful.



1 回答 1


我刚刚在 Win7 上使用最新的稳定 Rx nuget 包(2.1.30214)和 VS 2013 RC 进行了尝试,它可以工作。

确保您的项目类型是“便携式库”而不是“便携式库(旧版)”。只有前者是 VS 2013 中的新增功能,它支持针对 Rx 使用的 .NET Framework 配置文件。FSharp.Core.dll 的引用版本应该是。

Rx 和 F#

于 2013-09-16T23:07:14.400 回答