I'm making a comment system using ASP.NET (C#), comments are stored in a XML file which is then, on Page_Load, formatted inside a div.
comments.InnerHtml += String.Format(
"<div class=\"comment_body\">" +
"<img class=\"gravatar\" src=\"{0}\"/>" +
"<span class=\"name\">{1}<strong class=\"date\">{2}</strong></span><br/>" +
"<div class=\"rating\"> !Thumbs up, thumbs down, # thumbs up votes # and #thumbs down votes goes here</div>"+
"<span class=\"message\">" +
"{3}" +
"</span>" +
, gravatar, name, date, message);
I want to insert 2 buttons/links inside the "rating" div, for each comment on the page. The two buttons are for Liking and Disliking the comment, how to I go about programmatically creating, binding them to an event and then checking what comment you clicked the button from?