我的任务是在 C++ 中创建一个递归选择排序函数。它在第一次调用 main 时按预期运行,但第二次在 while 循环主菜单中选择选择排序会产生一些奇怪的结果。我不确定它是通过引用传递、selectionSort() 中的静态变量还是完全其他的问题。
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
//Function Prototypes
void selectionSort(array<int, 10> &arrayRef, size_t size); //Passes a size 10 int array by ref
void rollDice(unsigned int numRolls); //Parameter is number of times the two die should roll
int main()
int usrIn;
cout << "Welcome to Program Assignment 2!";
while (true) //Main Menu Loop
cout << "\n\n1) Selection Sort\n2)Roll Dice Simulation\n3)End The Program\nSelect an Option."
<< endl;
cin >> usrIn;
if (usrIn == 1)
cout << "Maximum value for array variables to be sorted: " << endl;
cin >> usrIn; //Retrieves the user input max int value for the array's number generator
array<int, 10> arrayToSort; //Initializes the test array of size 10
for (int &val : arrayToSort) //Generates values for the array
val = rand() % usrIn + 1;
cout << "\nbefore sort:\n";
for (int val : arrayToSort) //Displays numbers before the array is sorted
cout << val << " ";
selectionSort(arrayToSort, 10); //Sorts the array in numerical order
cout << "\nafter sort:\n";
for (int val : arrayToSort) //Displays numbers after the array is sorted
cout << val << " ";
return 0;
void selectionSort(array<int, 10> &arrayRef, size_t size)
static int counter = 0;
if (size <= 1)
for (int i = counter; i < arrayRef.size(); i++)
if (arrayRef[i] < arrayRef[counter])
swap(arrayRef[i], arrayRef[counter]);
selectionSort(arrayRef, size - 1);