我有一个通过 Prawn 生成的 PDF,其中包含 HTML 代码。对于每个<br>或一对<br>s,我想用 Prawn 的text方法插入一个新段落。给定这个字符串:

sharemarket is a minnow by world standards, at just 2.5 per cent of the global sharemarket value. <br><br>One approach for local investors might be via an international share fund, with the fund manager


pdf.text "sharemarket is a minnow by world standards, at just 2.5 per cent of the global sharemarket value."


 pdf.text "One approach for local investors might be via an international share fund, with the fund manager"



2 回答 2



> str = 'sharemarket is a minnow by world standards, at just 2.5 per cent of the global sharemarket value. <br><br>One approach for local investors might be via an international share fund, with the fund manager'
=> "sharemarket is a minnow by world standards, at just 2.5 per cent of the global sharemarket value. <br><br>One approach for local investors might be via an international share fund, with the fund manager"
> rows = str.split('<br><br>')
=> ["sharemarket is a minnow by world standards, at just 2.5 per cent of the global sharemarket value. ", "One approach for local investors might be via an international share fund, with the fund manager"]


rows.each {|row| pdf.text row}
于 2013-09-16T05:26:07.720 回答

您也可以只添加:inline_format => true到 PDF 文档中的元素:

  text "#{@text_area}", {
    :inline_format => true

这会自动允许<br>标签和其他 HTML 格式标签

于 2015-03-07T00:41:08.843 回答