几天后我的第一个 Verilog 任务到期,无论出于何种原因,这些概念都在逃避我。我不认为我在考虑并行性和硬件或其他方面。

我的问题是我必须使用 sand一起使用几个开关和按钮wire并打开 7 个阵列中的 3 个 LED。我很确定我知道如何进行计算逻辑,但我不知道如何使用assignwire正确打开所有 3 个 LED,而无需写入 3 个单独的行。这样做感觉不对:

assign Led[0] = output;
assign Led[1] = output;
assign Led[2] = output;

此外,这很奇怪,因为板上有 7 个 LED,而我选择的是 LED 0、2、4。



module Lab2_1(input [5:0] sw, input btns, output [7:0] Led );

    wire [2:0] leds; 
    wand out; 

    assign leds = {Led[0], Led[2], Led[4]};

    and U1   (out, sw[0], sw[1]);
    and U2   (out,~sw[2],~sw[3]);
    xor U3   (out,sw[4],sw[5]);
    assign   out = btns;
    assign leds[2:0] = {3{out}};



ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<3>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<4>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<5>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<6>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<7>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<0>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<1>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<2>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<3>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<4>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<5>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<6>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<7>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<0>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<1>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<2>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:Bitgen:25 - DRC detected 16 errors and 0 warnings.  Please see the
   previously displayed individual error or warning messages for more details.

1 回答 1


您已经拥有的看起来非常好,但如果您想在一行中完成,您可以使用连接和/或复制运算符来分配Led. 这两个语句都等效于您的代码示例:

assign Led[2:0] = {output, output, output};


assign Led[2:0] = {3{output}};


=== 编辑 ===


  1. 这向后看:assign leds = {Led[0], Led[2], Led[4]};
    Led是模块的输出,所以它应该被分配给,这意味着它应该在等号的左侧,所以我猜这应该看起来像assign {Led[0], Led[2], Led[4]} = leds;

  2. 您的模块有一个 8 位 LED 输出,但您只分配了 3 位。您应该将其他 5 位分配给常量 1 或 0。

于 2013-09-16T03:00:54.167 回答