好的,我对 GAE 样板的资源缺乏感到沮丧,特别是因为它在目录结构方面有点复杂,所以我来这里。

无论如何,我有这个联系表格,我改编自contact.html样板提供的模板。我对向访问者提供用户注册不感兴趣,我只想要一个非常简单的联系表格,其中包含Full nameEmail addressMessage。据我所知,表单本身正在工作,因为我没有更改样板文件中的任何代码:

    <form id="form_contact" action="{{ url|safe }}" method="post" class="well form-horizontal">
            <input type="hidden" name="exception" value="{{ exception|e }}">
            <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">
            {{ macros.field(form.name, label=_("Name"), placeholder=_("Enter your")+" "+_("Name"), class="input-xlarge focused required") }}
            {{ macros.field(form.email, label=_("Email"), placeholder=_("Enter your")+" "+_("Email"), class="input-xlarge focused required email", type="email") }}
            {{ macros.field(form.message, label=_("Message"), class="input-xlarge required", cols="40", rows="8") }}
            <div class="form-actions">
                <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">{% trans %}Send Message{% endtrans %}</button>


# contact page email settings
'contact_sender': "l*******@gmail.com",
'contact_recipient': "d*******@gmail.com",

开始于line 24结束,line 26但没有运气。我应该更改另一个配置文件吗?顺便说一句,config.py我更改的文件的确切目录是C:\Users\*****\Desktop\Projects\******\boilerplate\config.py


1 回答 1



在 GAE 中,电子邮件的发件人必须是 appengine 控制台中的注册管理员或登录的 google 用户。因此,如果这些条件都不成立,您的电子邮件将不会被发送。

这是我的做法,它对我有用(在 appengine 管理控制台中将电子邮件地址注册为管理员之后):

from google.appengine.api import mail


 message = mail.EmailMessage(sender='Kool Business <info@koolbusiness.com>', subject=article.title)
            message.body = """
            Hello!<br>Now your ad <a href="http://www.koolbusiness.com/vi/%d.html">%s</a> has been out for a week. If you already have sold your product you can remove your ad.<br><br>Some advice to promote your ad:<br>Change + Renew the ad and it will be on top of the list. You can also change text and price.<br>Change the ad if you only want to lower the price or change the ad text<br>Renew so that the ad will be on top if the list. <br><br>Best regards,<br>Koolbusiness.com
            """  % (article.key().id(),article.title)
            message.html = """
            Hello!<br>Now your article <a href="http://www.koolbusiness.com/vi/%d.html">%s</a> has been out for a week. If you already have sold your product you can remove your ad.<br><br>Some advice to promote your article:<br>Change + Renew the article and it will be on top of the list. You can also change text and price.<br>Change the article if you only want to lower the price or change the ad text<br>Renew so that the ad will be on top if the list. <br><br>Best regards,<br>Koolbusiness.com
            """  % (article.key().id(),ad.title)
于 2013-09-15T23:53:37.417 回答