Country | Report Section| Report Field | Report Value
India | Section1 | No of Employees | 100
India | Section1 | No of Dept | 5
India | Section1 | No of Contractors| 10
India | Section2 | Avg. Working Hrs | 8
India | Section2 | Avg. Utilization | 80
India | Section2 | Avg. Pay | 200
China | Section1 | No of Employees | 110
China | Section1 | No of Dept | 4
China | Section1 | No of Contractors| 1
China | Section2 | Avg. Working Hrs | 10
China | Section2 | Avg. Utilization | 90
China | Section2 | Avg. Pay | 100
Report Section| Report Field | India | China
Section1 | No of Employees | 100 | 110
Section1 | No of Dept | 5 | 4
Section1 | No of Contractors| 10 | 1
Section2 | Avg. Working Hrs | 8 | 10
Section2 | Avg. Utilization | 80 | 90
Section2 | Avg. Pay | 200 | 100
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