我得到了一个类 - GoodPetStoreClient - 它使用另一个类 - NoisyPetStore - 以创建对象列表 - Cat、Dog 和 Cow - 它实现了一个接口 - MakesSound - 并被要求修改 NoisyPetStore 以确保GoodPetStoreClient 将正确编译。我一直在努力找出我所缺少的东西,但到目前为止还没有运气,并且希望获得一些更有经验的见解。
这是代码 public class GoodPetStoreClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
NoisyPetStore petStore = new NoisyPetStore();
petStore.addPet(new Cat());
petStore.addPet(new Cow());
System.out.println("I bought an animal, and it goes: " + petStore.buyNewestPet().makeNoise()); //moo...
System.out.println("The rest of the pet store goes: " + petStore.makeHugeNoise()); //meow
System.out.println("I bought another animal, and it goes: " + petStore.buyNewestPet().makeNoise()); //meow
petStore.addPet(new Dog());
System.out.println("The pet store now goes: " + petStore.buyNewestPet().makeNoise());
private static class CollisionInSpace {
// makes no sound at all
导入 java.util.ArrayList;导入 java.util.List;
public class NoisyPetStore
//Stores pets
private List list;
public NoisyPetStore()
list = new ArrayList();
/* add a pet to the pet store after checking
* whether or not the object implements
* <MakesSound>
* @param o takes in a object of an unspecified
* class
public void addPet(Object o )
//check if the instance implements the MakesSound interface
if(o instanceof MakesSound)
/* get the last pet from the store by accessing
* the last item in the list, and hence the one
* which has been added most recently
public Object buyNewestPet()
Object ans = null;
if (list.size() > 0)
ans = list.remove(list.size() - 1);
return ((MakesSound)ans);
/* creates a string representation of all of the noises
* made by pets which have been added to the list using
* a <StringBuilder>
* @return returns a String representation of all the noises
* made by the pets in the list
public String makeHugeNoise() {
StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
ans.append(((MakesSound) list.get(i)).makeNoise());
return ans.toString();
public class Cat implements MakesSound
String sound;
/* Constructor for Cat object
* takes in no parameters and instantiates
* the instance variable sound
public Cat()
sound = "Meeow";
/* Overrides the <makeNoise> method defined by the
* <MakeSounds> interface
* takes in no parameters and returns the sound made
* by a cat, represented as a <String> {@link String}
public String makeNoise()
String s = sound;
return s;
//dog and cow have identical codes to cat, with the exception that they produce the sounds "Woof!" and "Moo!" respectively.