您好,我正在编写一个 python 脚本来生成网页的每月和每日访问次数。输入文件:
ArticleName Date Hour Count/Visit
Aa 20130601 10000 1
Aa 20130601 10000 1
Ew 20130601 10000 1
H 20130601 10000 2
H 20130602 10000 1
R 20130601 20000 2
R 20130602 10000 1
Ra 20130601 0 1
Ra 20130601 10000 2
Ra 20130602 10000 1
Ram 20130601 0 2
Ram 20130601 10000 3
Ram 20130602 10000 4
Re 20130601 20000 1
Re 20130602 10000 3
Rz 20130602 10000 1
ArticleName Date DailyView MonthlyView
Aa 20130601 2 2
Ew 20130601 1 1
H 20130601 2 2
H 20130602 1 3
R 20130601 2 2
R 20130602 1 4
Ra 20130601 5 5
Ra 20130602 1 6
Ram 20130601 5 5
Ram 20130602 4 9
Re 20130601 1 1
Re 20130602 3 4
Rz 20130602 1 1
import sys
last_date = 20130601
last_hour = 0
last_count = 0
last_article = None
monthly_count = 0
daily_count = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
article, date, hour, count = line.split()
count = int(count)
date = int(date)
hour = int(hour)
#Articles match and date match
if last_article == article and last_date == date:
daily_count = count+last_count
monthly_count = count+last_count
# print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (article, date, daily_count, monthly_count)
#Article match but date doesn't match
if last_article == article and last_date != date:
monthly_count = count
print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (article, date, daily_count, monthly_count)
#Article doesn't match
if last_article != article:
last_article = article
last_count = count
monthly_count = count
last_date = date
print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (article, date, daily_count, monthly_count)
我能够获得大部分输出,但我的输出在以下两种情况下是错误的: 1. 如果 ArticleName 和 ArticleDate 相同,则无法获得总结 ArticleName 的方法。例如,此脚本给出 Ra 行的输出: Ra 20130601 1 1 Ra 20130601 3 3 Ra 20130602 1 1 所以最后 Ra 应该打印 1+3+1=5 作为最终的每月总计数而不是 1。
- 由于我在第三个 if 条件下显示所有不等于上一篇文章的文章,因此我两次获得具有相同文章名称和日期的文章的值。像:
Ra 20130601 1 1