我正在尝试开始学习使用 Perlin Noise 来创建瓦片图。我才刚刚开始,所以我在网上找到了一些源代码来创建基于 Perlin Noise 的数组。所以我现在有一个很好的数据数组(据我所知),但我不明白可以使用哪种方法将其从数组转换为瓦片地图。



package perlin1;

import java.util.Random;

public class ImageWriter {
/** Source of entropy */
private Random rand_;

/** Amount of roughness */
float roughness_;

/** Plasma fractal grid */
private float[][] grid_;

/** Generate a noise source based upon the midpoint displacement fractal.
 * @param rand The random number generator
 * @param roughness a roughness parameter
 * @param width the width of the grid
 * @param height the height of the grid
public ImageWriter(Random rand, float roughness, int width, int height) {
    roughness_ = roughness / width;
    grid_ = new float[width][height];
    rand_ = (rand == null) ? new Random() : rand;

public void initialise() {
    int xh = grid_.length - 1;
    int yh = grid_[0].length - 1;

    // set the corner points
    grid_[0][0] = rand_.nextFloat() - 0.5f;
    grid_[0][yh] = rand_.nextFloat() - 0.5f;
    grid_[xh][0] = rand_.nextFloat() - 0.5f;
    grid_[xh][yh] = rand_.nextFloat() - 0.5f;

    // generate the fractal
    generate(0, 0, xh, yh);

// Add a suitable amount of random displacement to a point
private float roughen(float v, int l, int h) {
    return v + roughness_ * (float) (rand_.nextGaussian() * (h - l));

// generate the fractal
private void generate(int xl, int yl, int xh, int yh) {
    int xm = (xl + xh) / 2;
    int ym = (yl + yh) / 2;
    if ((xl == xm) && (yl == ym)) return;

    grid_[xm][yl] = 0.5f * (grid_[xl][yl] + grid_[xh][yl]);
    grid_[xm][yh] = 0.5f * (grid_[xl][yh] + grid_[xh][yh]);
    grid_[xl][ym] = 0.5f * (grid_[xl][yl] + grid_[xl][yh]);
    grid_[xh][ym] = 0.5f * (grid_[xh][yl] + grid_[xh][yh]);

    float v = roughen(0.5f * (grid_[xm][yl] + grid_[xm][yh]), xl + yl, yh
            + xh);
    grid_[xm][ym] = v;
    grid_[xm][yl] = roughen(grid_[xm][yl], xl, xh);
    grid_[xm][yh] = roughen(grid_[xm][yh], xl, xh);
    grid_[xl][ym] = roughen(grid_[xl][ym], yl, yh);
    grid_[xh][ym] = roughen(grid_[xh][ym], yl, yh);

    generate(xl, yl, xm, ym);
    generate(xm, yl, xh, ym);
    generate(xl, ym, xm, yh);
    generate(xm, ym, xh, yh);

 * Dump out as a CSV
public void printAsCSV() {
    for(int i = 0;i < grid_.length;i++) {
        for(int j = 0;j < grid_[0].length;j++) {

 * Convert to a Boolean array
 * @return the boolean array
public boolean[][] toBooleans() {
    int w = grid_.length;
    int h = grid_[0].length;
    boolean[][] ret = new boolean[w][h];
    for(int i = 0;i < w;i++) {
        for(int j = 0;j < h;j++) {
            ret[i][j] = grid_[i][j] < 0;
    return ret;

/** For testing */
public static void main(String[] args) {
    ImageWriter n = new ImageWriter(null, 1.0f, 250, 250);

结果数组是 0 到 1 之间的所有数量。



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