我正在创建一个应用程序,它需要在 mysql 数据库(在线托管)中插入一行,但是每当我尝试插入数据时,数据都是空白的。php 没有任何问题,因为我的 Web 前端与 php 脚本完美配合。
NSString *user = self.registerUsername.text;
NSString *password = self.registerPassword.text;
NSString *email = self.registerEmail.text;
NSString *model = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [[UIDevice currentDevice] model]];
NSString *sysVer = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion]];
NSString *connectionURL = @"mydomain.com/Register.php";
NSLog(@"%@", connectionURL);
//this is logged correctly
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init];
[request setURL:[NSURL URLWithString:connectionURL]];
[request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
NSString *insert = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"username=%@&password=%@&email=%@&model=%@&sysver=%@", user, password, email, model, sysVer];
NSLog(@"%@", insert);
[request setHTTPBody:[insert dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]];
//This is also logged correctly, giving me the right format i would expect
NSURLResponse *response;
NSError *error;
NSData *responseData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&error];
NSString *responseString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[responseData bytes]];
NSLog(@"%@", responseString);
//The response string is also correct, but no data is inserted into the database
NSString *success = @"success";
[success dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"%lu", (unsigned long)responseString.length);
NSLog(@"%lu", (unsigned long)success.length);
header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
include("config/dp.php"); //<- db connection
$con = mysql_connect("","user","pass");
if(! $con)
die('Connection Failed'.mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("hk", $con);
$message = "";
$username = ($_POST['username']);
$password = ($_POST['password']);
$email = ($_POST['email']);
$model = ($_POST['model']);
$sysver = ($_POST['sysver']);
$submit = $_POST["registerform"];
$sql = "INSERT INTO members (`username`, `password`, `email`, `model`, `sysver`) VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$email', '$model', '$sysver')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if ($result) { $message = "success"; }
else { $message = "failed"; }
echo utf8_encode($message);