这是一种方法,请记住以下内容,使用 php 读取纯文本文件
$foo = '';
foreach (glob("somefolder/*/*/wdl.txt") as $somevar) {
//If required: include $somevar;
$foo .= file_get_contents($somevar);
if (!empty($foo)) {
$wins = preg_match_all('~WIN~iUs', $foo, $matches);
$draw = preg_match_all('~DRAW~iUs', $foo, $matches);
$lose = preg_match_all('~LOSE~iUs', $foo, $matches);
print 'Wins: ' . $wins;
print 'Draw: ' . $draw;
print 'Lose: ' . $lose;
* Results class.
class Result
* Magic method set propertie.
public function __set($name, $value)
$this->$name = $value;
* Magic method get propertie.
public function __get($name)
return $this->$name;
$stat = '';
$result = new Result();
$path = getcwd() . '/*.txt';
//Loop trough $path files.
foreach (glob($path) as $file) {
//Get the content from the stat file.
$stat = file_get_contents($file);
//If the file whith stat is empty, continue to next file.
if (empty($stat)) {
//Check if we already have a stat result in object.
if (isset($result->$stat)) {
//Add it up.
} else {
//Create the stat and asign 1 to it.
$result->$stat = 1;
* Get results manually.
print 'Win: ' . $result->win . '<br>';
print 'Lose: ' . $result->lose . '<br>';
print 'Draw: ' . $result->draw . '<br>';
* Or trough loop.
//Get all properties from the Result object.
$results = get_object_vars($result);
//Loop trough the properties and print the values.
foreach($results as $key => $value) {
print $key . ': ' . $value . '<br>';