不幸的是,C5 没有提供这样做的方法——利用搜索索引的唯一方法是使用块。即使您创建了一个虚假块只是为了将内容从 single_page 传递到搜索索引,也无法说某些内容来自一个 URL,而其他内容来自另一个 URL(您需要这样做,因为您的single_page 控制器正在处理许多不同的 URL)。
I don't know of a way to achieve what you want to do (and it appears that nobody else does either -- http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/customizing_c5/make-content-in-single-pages-searchable/ ), other than building your own internal search engine.
EDIT: I just did some digging, and thought that perhaps you could manually insert records into the PageSearchIndex
table and specify the searchable content and the desired path there -- but this won't work because it relies on one cID (collection id, a.k.a. page id) per entry -- so you'd only be able to insert one record for the top-level single_page path.
I think the simplest solution here would be to create your own searching infrastructure for your single_pages (like some kind of function in the controller that would return an array of page paths and searchable content for each one), then override the search block and perform an additional search of your single_page -- then combine the results on the search results page there. Or just use google site search for your site, which will actually crawl the pages and hence find your various single_page urls: https://www.google.com/cse/
Best of luck.